Uusikaupunki FIN, 20/10/2008
Health benefits
Particularly high in Vitamin C, with about 1700–2000 mg per 100 g in the dried product, one of the richest plant sources.[1]
Rose hips contain vitamins A, D and E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids.
Rose hip powder is a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.[2]
Rose hips from the dog rose have antioxidant values that far exceed other berries such as blueberries
As an herbal remedy, rose hips are attributed with the ability to prevent urinary bladder infections, and assist in treating dizziness and headaches[citation needed]. Rose hips are also commonly used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.[citation needed]
Brewed into a decoction, can also be used to treat constipation
Ruusunmarjan kukinto/epähedelmä on erittäin arvokas vitamiinien ja antioksidanttien lähde . Ruusunmarja voittaa terveellisyydessään moninkertaisesti puolukan,karpalon, mustikan ym.