lauantai 18. huhtikuuta 2009

Käpytikka/Woodpecker/Dendrocopos major

Käpytikka/Woodpecker/Dendrocopos major
April ´09
Kustavi, FIN

Käpytikka/Woodpecker/Dendrocopos major
The Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) is a species of the woodpecker family (Picidae). It is distributed throughout Europe and northern Asia, and usually resident year-round except in the colder parts of its range.

And now here.

Käpytikka on aloittanut reviirinsä merkitsemisen koputtamalla nokallaan ja samalla hakee toukkia. Yleinen jokapaikan tikka.

Uploaded by julukustavisuomi on 19 Apr 09, 9.27AM EEST.

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